2012年10月29日 星期一
幸運灣Lucky Bay
I was lucky to take the photo that there was a kangaroo mom with a child kangaroo this afternoon in lucky bay XD
“Lucky bay” is the most famous bay in Esperance(A town is far away Perth city 716km) where you must drive a car to arrive by yourself! If you visit here, it is easy to see kagaroos that are in the beach! And if you are too lucky, maybe you can see a kangaroo that lies on the beach to enjoy sunshine.

About 飄飄木之旅Visiting Traveler
一位喜愛旅行,挑戰過自助分段歐亞單車之旅的台灣英語導遊領隊的生活和工作隨筆紀錄。 A bike travel lover Taiwan tour guide and manager.